Oh hell card game up the river

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As the dealer performs this duty, the other players look for matches with their cards.

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In each game, all participants have four cards, with the exception of the dealer who lays out the remaining cards one by one. Up the River Down the River is a card game based on emergent matching cards irrespective of suit. The game requires each participant to assess the action of the game of in reference to their open-faced hand as they attempt to forestall drunkenness and seize every available opportunity to bully the other players and take revenge whenever the opportunity arises. Typically, Up the River Down the River is a drinking game, although it can be adapted for sober parties with minimal alteration, played with just one deck or multiple decks of cards, a large quantity of beer, and an open mind. This game is a great way to incorporate a group in a party game that is inclusive, inebriating, and has the capacity to promote victimization and revenge. If you and a group of friends, especially a fairly large group of friends, are on the hunt for a new party game to shake up your established routine of entertainment, you should consider playing Up the River Down the River.

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